Developing My Brand

So far, I’ve been told by colleagues and artists that I want to work with that I need to develop my brand more. Using Shopify’s guide to brand development, let’s walk through and see what I need to work more on.

~ 1 ~

First is to research your target audience and competitors. My target audience are sticker enthusiasts. I want to consolidate stickers from a variety of artists so that a single customer can be exposed to a variety of artists at the same time. My competitors are those very artists, as many of them already have their own stores. The best way to support them is to buy from their store, not from a retailer like me, but you won’t know who to support if you’re not exposed to them.

~ 2 ~

Second is to pick my focus and personality. I hope it’s clear upon entering the site, but I want the vibe of a soft and cute store that’s minimalistic. I want the sticker packs to speak for themselves, so I don’t want the vibe of the store to overshadow it.

~ 3 ~

Third is to pick my business name. Sticky Bun. Done. To be honest, the name development was pretty easy. My store is to sell stickers, and sticky bun is a common treat. Plus, it makes it easy to design a bunny as the logo.

~ 4 ~

Fourth is to write a slogan. I don’t have a slogan yet, so this is an area that I need to work on. What message do I want to send to people who see my business? I want it simple and small enough to add on business cards. I’ll have to brainstorm.

~ 5 & 6 ~

Fifth and sixth are to design the logo and picking the font and colors. That’s pretty much done already. A sticky bun with bunny ears coming out of it. Simple enough that it won’t overpower the other stickers I want to sell. Soft tones of pink with brown as the dark tone. A Sans Serif font that looks like a doodle, which coincides with the doodle-like logo.

Sticky Bun logo

~ 7 ~

The final part is to apply my branding all over my business. I know I can do this better because as of now, my logo is only visible as the favicon. I’m highly unhappy with the home page, so I need to “stick” my logo there.


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Setting Up The Biz (Legally)