Now Available On Facebook And Instagram!

Took me a while to set things up, but Sticky Bun is now available to shop on Facebook and Instagram! I’m really excited to expand my outreach to those platforms!

The reason why this took so long is because I procrastinated. Simple as that.

I learned that there’s a feature on SquareSpace that allows me to sync up my products onto Facebook and Instagram really easily, but it required me to upgrade my subscription plan. I tried to set up the shops by myself without the upgrade, but it was so tedious trying to re-upload the products to each platform.

Then, I debated if I should switch from SquareSpace to Shopify or Wix, and I started exploring the details of each of their plans. In the end, I decided to upgrade my SquareSpace plan because it was still cheaper than the other two, and I can decide if I want to stay with this site or not until my subscription ends.

The inventories are synced up, so whatever you see on each platform is the same. To buy products on Instagram, I believe you will be redirected to the website. I’m not entirely too sure, but I hope it works out!


Let’s Reflect…


My Stickers Have Arrived!